Emma-Jane Watson

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While many lose too much time waiting for something to happen!

It’s entirely up to us to do the work.

So ask yourself this very question.

‘Are you waiting to open that door?’

Don’t. Just pull the handle.

Because we may wait weeks, months or even years for that magical person to appear to take away all those worries. When in fact what hard work you put in each day is the key to a successful life.

Most people’s biggest fear is being alone, and it takes time to work through all those emotions. Once we reach a stage in life where we don’t need another person to make us happy, healthy fit or just go to a local event. Things start to appear, mysteriously.

The other biggest fear of opening the door is money issues. People wait for that time to come, and it never does. Taking charge of your our lives and working on yourself really helps. I know as I’m often grilled about spending money on my healing, but I get results. INSTANTLY.

By not pulling that handle, you may have missed the opportunity of your life that may have lead to some wonderful experiences. While many who have done the hard work are finally being reward in unexpected ways, hence we are in a new energy.

One time in meditation I witnessed walking along a corridor and saw many closed doors, not realising at the time that it was in fact leading to me experience my ‘new door’ later that year.

That is why we must not resist and pull that handle now.


 Post written circa 21st August 2014, 23rd June 2020