Emma-Jane Watson

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Sounds easy?  Get active takes time and effort.

About mid 2019 I joined a fitness group after a few months of illness, only to watch my muscles fade away during the world chaos of lockdown in 2020. And now more than ever this was the time to build up a good strong immune system. 

 However those during the lockdown who had equipment already at home had the advantage. As they were able to continue their daily workouts, in the very comfort of their own homes. Whether it was a yoga mat, spin bike or the odd kettle bell tucked away in the garage. 

While a simple walk can do it, but seriously after some time it kind of gets boring and doesn’t do much for us apart from keep our inner plumbing working. 

Being active can be done in numerous ways, just find the one that resonates with you the most or you can seek out new ones. Whereas being in a group for fitness with a trainer and weights is way more fun. 

Although I have always loved walking especially when I move to a new area, as it helps you do the groundwork on foot before driving. I find it basically forces you to ‘map’ out your new area in your mind and saves time later when you do happen to drive by.

Yet I use walking an outlet to escape or be set free from pent up energies. There is just more to it, moving the body is what the world needs due to a lot of tensed energy floating in the tethers and we physically need to shift it on through movement, massages, exercise or gentle yoga.

Then perhaps when you are courageous give rock climbing a go, you may surprise yourself? 

Because fitness comes in many forms regardless of what it is.

Learn to love your body first and watch what unfolds therein.

Post written circa 28th January 2014, 6th July 2020