Emma-Jane Watson

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Seriously you’ve probably heard this saying A LOT.

I mean it cause when I’m done, I’m done!

By this I know when a situation, place or person has served me. There is no turning back once I’ve reached this stage.

Just like getting caught climbing through that barbed wire fence as kid, there was only one way and that was forward. You cannot stay in that spot for long and you cannot go back to his things were once done.
I’m not kidding when I’ve or my spiritual guidance indicates to me that I’m done with a person. Often the energetic stuff has been severed long before the situation has ended.

May it be you see a coworker talking behind your back, a friend not treating you right or your home environment has turned sour.

When I’m done, I’m done are often words I’ve said over the years and I have ended certain friendships not really knowing at the time why, others was because it requires me to be freed from that toxicity of the person or workplace that is not interested in changing themselves.

That’s why many fit under the banner of a narcissist. Really they are just toxic people who refuse to do the work...


Sometimes we need to ride the waves of a situation until we are stronger to step away. I guess it’s sad to say that we should not have to get to this point, but honestly it’s something that needs to be done.

There are times when I’ve felt something during the night and then woken up as if I no longer have any feelings or attachments to the final outcome or person.
As time progresses I may or may not let these people back on my life. I know the difference between someone having a hard time to something who’s only interested in serving themselves. That’s why it’s important to severe those ties.

Don’t you think?

Post written circa 25th Sept, 2019 At 12:53 am