Emma-Jane Watson

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How often have you been the victim of a narcissist and not realise it? Well, until recently it had never crossed my mind. Until a post quote on Facebook showed up on my feed the very day I needed answers to a situation.


What happens when narcissist lose control?

 The quote goes something like this….

“When a narcissist can no longer control you, they will instead try to control how others see you.”

It made sense.

Remember one thing.

What you do to others comes back to you ten fold.

In a matter of days, weeks, months or even years.

The best thing to do in these situations is to remove yourself, meaning cut your ties, leave the job, relationship or marriage if that what it takes to lead a happier healthier life.

In numerous cases when narcissist lose control of others they feel like their prey is running away from them. That’s why they find it amusing to riddle the victim in front of others or anyone who will join in. Because, the narcissist has manipulated the other team members into believing what they tell them is true.

Even though no matter how hard you try, it never works.

Most likely the narcissist has personal issues and very good at hiding them from others. So, while ‘picking’ on others or trying to control what others think about certain people, makes them feel better. The damage done by a narcissist may take time to heal. 

Therefore believe in yourself.

The narcissist will find another target when you are gone.

Until they heal.


Post written circa 10th November 2015