Hi and welcome to the page where you’ll learn a bit more about me. Firstly, I’m now commonly known as Emma. Here is a little story. While growing up I was known as Emma-Jane and told everyone a little secret. It was, ‘Call me what you like, but when Dad’s around call me by my proper name.’ Then when I migrated to Melbourne, no matter how hard I try to get people to call me by my name, it some how gets shortened.

Well, since starting my working life in a job that entailed shampooing, mixing colours, rinsing perms and sweeping the daily hair clippings off the floor, I soon discovered that job wasn’t really me. So, then  I moved into outdoor work of picking grapes on icy cold mornings that my fingers won’t move. To standing all day chipping away at the vine cuttings in the rain for pruning. Along with this I spent many seasons lugging water and on my hip during the summer months doing what was called vine training. In time became an expert at using a piece of string and could practically tie up a vine blindfolded.

After eleven years of being outside, the crunch came and I packed up my car and headed to Melbourne jobless. Then a couple of weeks later I landed a role in a pizza shop that carried me through for a good year, with a short stint at a Dan Murphy as a Christmas casual in between.

While I’m not working in my day job I’m working towards on my writing and healing career change that is ‘coming,’ according to the ‘stars’ or psychics if you believe in them. I do, as I wouldn’t be here without them.

I’m a qualified Reiki Master on a healing journey to eventually write. When not helping others I’m simply working on my own healing journey.

I look forward to sharing my journey with you.

Emma-Jane x