In the second week of November of 2013, Chris my Reiki swap partner arrived at my home, with a beaming smile after completing a Pellowah course with our Reiki Master Jeremy at ‘Om Reiki Centre’ the previous weekend. Due to unforeseen circumstances I was unable to attend as planned.
So, after a lengthy chat, our healing session commenced with me giving him the usual Reiki routine that left him feeling serene and unable to move off the massage table. Eventually he got up and announced he was giving me a forty-five minute Pellowah treatment as part of his follow up homework. I had only heard about it’s potential of succeeding in areas that Reiki could not.
Now, I was about to embark on experiencing my very first Pellowah healing.
Moments later, I hesitantly climbed up onto the table uncertain of what to expect. Then he drape my pyjama pants over my eyes remembering of being told earlier that covering my eyes would encourage me to focus more in my mind’s eye. How this could work? What was so different about Pellowah to Reiki? I thought.
Within a few minutes of him working on my right side the soft waves began floating towards me putting me at ease. It now felt like my body was buzzing and it continued into a series continuous tingling sensations that rippled throughout my body for the rest of the session. Those internal waves gave me the impression that there was more to the makeup of my body then I thought, as I could not physically feel my muscles.
It wasn’t until I fully relaxed that I started to see clear vivid images with some glimpses drifting past that I recalled from dreams of long ago. Those images were quickly forgotten when I woke up – except for two.
One was when I was viewing a vast ocean of blue green water and wishing only to be there at that moment. I had only dreamt of swimming in the balmy water of the tropics. Then the second image of my next-door neighbour peeping through the grapevine with outstretched arms, holding piece of paper with black writing on it. Then in his left hand he held a small box wrapped in ribbon and a bow on top. What was my neighbour doing? I thought.
The following week we practiced the same routine and I only recalled one image. This time I was peering over the top of a tropical jungle that stretched out around a bay lined with sandy white beaches and pristine sky blue water. The wide rocky mountain across the horizon towered over the bay. I instantly felt at peace and wondered where it was.
It wasn’t until later that I realised the neighbour was indicating a gift.
The gift of writing.