All tagged AMBITION


Have you ever wondered why some people are no longer needed in our life? Change is vital for growth. Once you being the path of healing, our friendship circles change too. In a good way. Learn to embrace the change as it can be hard at times. The best time to learn about people is when you are going through a difficult stage in your life and you don’t hear from the one who thought were your friends. Ironically many don’t like you to change because they not longer have control over you. Take a read and learn a few things. Enjoy.


Have you ever thought why you often get sick after tossing old belongings out? Decluttering can have a big impact on you if it’s new to you. Various emotions and things happen to our body as we shed what no longer serves us. In truth many unauthentic items get removed. It’s part of our healing journey to keep moving and replacing things with better use and energy. Take a read and see what you may have experience, if this is something you have been avoiding. Enjoy.


What really makes fairies angry? Did you know earlier in my spiritual awakening I read a book by Doreen Virtue who mentions that the elementals know who every is and what they do for the earth? I was like yeah right! Well, as it turns out, it’s true as the elementals are working with me.
Although for many years especially, living in the city, I would often stop in the middle of the road to pick up a screw, bolt or some sort of wire that may harm a car and it’s driver. At the time I wasn’t aware I was already doing this Earth Work that is required by all of us RIGHT now. No matter how small.
Read on to find out what makes the fairies angry……Enjoy.


Have you ever thought that your photos could be hold you back in your life? The process of knowing what photos you shall keep or go can be a painful process, but it worth it. The results on how you feel afterwards are amazing. Before you tackle your photos, take a read at this post. Enjoy.


Even though it's a fun way to let go of stress and get out of the box and do something very different to to your daily routine. While most times it done in tandem, I was the odd one out. This sure hit the spot of things to do in this life time. Would you ever consider doing jungle surfing? If so, then take a read and see what you think? You never know what’s hiding until your discover them. Unintentionally. So enjoy.