All tagged EMPATHY


Whonever walked into a book shop and physically felt someone with you? I had this experience with Hannah Kent’s first book called ‘Burial Rites.’ Then to the unexpected I actually met her a few years later. While meeting authors who have presence come through them is pretty rare. The main part of the journey is how I came about this book and I share that in this blog. Check it out. Enjoy.


Have you ever thought that the reality of the Neverending Story was written way before it time! Seriously, our who life is a neverending story… things come and go in life until we learn to fix the mirror within us and not the reflection. Then the momentum of the things you attract changes from struggling to thriving. Once that is done you begin a new never ending story of abundance! Find out why I resonated with this film. Enjoy.


Going with the flow is something many people really haven’t mastered yet. Hopefully each day as more and more awaken that they come to an understanding that life really isn’t hard. Just getting in the zone can really make a difference. While other times, things can flow in areas that never did for example, like the time I moved in a middle of a pandemic. Trusting any process is the key to life. When things magically flow with no effect, that’s just where you need to be in that moment. Check out this post on going with the flow and find out if you are. Enjoy.


Where would we be without Empaths? Certainly has it’s challenges and often feeling really unsettled until I was told I’m empath and super sensitive in crowds, restaurants and generally around people. Especially in times like now as the events of 2020 take it’s toll on the empaths! AND often it’s taken on board as their own emotions. Find out if you Are you Empath to see what we really can do to help those in need.



Many people believe you can fool others with words! Not anymore as people are so more in tune they can feel the intent just seeing the name of the person on their phone. Empaths have wonderful gift of feeling and maybe their knowing is super strong too. I totally get how it feels as I’m an empath and I certainly feel things, good and bad. Find out if you are feeling the in between and not realising it? If not, just enjoy the read.


A story of a woman's love for the man who taught her everything about love. And in life we need to be detached from possessions and thought patterns that harbour our well-being. Learning to understand everything we have is inside of us. If you are spiritual and would love to read a profound book, this it the one. Take a read and find out how the power of love and be the only way. Enjoy.