Just imagine covers the time when I saw a vision only to discover it was spirit guide ready to show himself to me in a mysterious way. While most of the world was affected but the death of John Lennon, I was surprised when I was looking at him one night…although writing with song lyrics is risky, song titles are fine and often the part we remember the most. Take a read and learn how I came across this very image. Enjoy.
What are your thoughts in blowing your pain, thoughts, beliefs or frustrations into a stone? It works, because these stones have been activated with medicine and are a great tool to use when something triggers you. Take a read and find out how a medicine stone can be the key to your healing journey.
Meeting Elizabeth Peru helped me understand the cosmo of the universal energy. Seeing her live was a magical experience. Not to be missed if you love how she gets her insights from inner wisdom. We all resonate with different people and move on once we have done so. Find who you learn best from and stick with them. Check out how I met Elizabeth this day. Enjoy.