All tagged SHED PAST


While I never hope you have to have a experience like the day I fled. Even though many humans still get off on having to blame others for their unhappiness. This day is a day of putting my own safety first, the sad about doing the work on ourselves as it brings out the ugliness in others. Until till the day they learn you had nothing to do with the situation. Find out how I managed to flee what could have been a move for the positive. Enjoy.


New growth this year is exactly what we have. Although I wrote this blog at the beginning of the year before my bout of unwellness, its been a delay to get it published! We all need growth in our lives or we become stale, stagnant and very moody. Just like our hair when we are growing it, things can take time. The bud eventually burst on the trees and and sprout come spring and a whole new out look is in front of us. Our own personal growth is different to each person. This year mainly 2019 is all about the self. Thats why we feel the need to shed what no longer serves us. Regardless. See the lessons and move forward. Make the time to read how new growth may help you? Enjoy.