Emma-Jane Watson

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In time of change routine changes like autumn leaves, nothing stays the same. 

It is one to think about? Hence the constant change around us, some by our own doing although most is done in ways we cannot control. Even if it’s painful, it is for our own good. Regardless of how we process it.

Your journey of life has many twists and turns, especially since the man made plague. Where our world came crashing down in all ways, what seemed like fun at the beginning, turned out to be devastating in the end. We were forced to shake up our daily routines on all fronts. Especially in the work sector and our living arrangements. While some headed for the divorce courts sooner than anticipated.

While shedding old skin takes time and effort, it certain had its challenges in those two years of on and off lockdowns, particularly Melbourne, Australia. Many emotions, personal experiences were felt and helped us to evolve into a better person. We change. Just like the seasons and it’s important to keep working on oneself. No matter how difficult life can be at times.

While it may seem my life never seemed end with either hunting for a new place to live or searching for a better job. Those hard days had to be dealt with so the right job and then the right home to land. Especially when you just know you have to live alone. The sharing days were done, the only way I could describe the way I felt was similar to when a woman has decided…no more kids. It’s a hard no for me to share with anyone that doesn’t jive my vibes…

That’s why life is a constant change the same as the leaves, they shed then grow new ones in the spring. So the ongoing cycle of change is with us every day regardless until we reach a steady pattern of stability.

Until that day.

Make peace where you are at,
