Archangel Metatron, MBS, Melbourne 2019
Never under estimate your power.
13th July, 2016
I checked my phone for the time and it said ‘5:32’ heck my train arrives at 5:34!
I grabbed my bag and ran and ran until I spotted a star or planet and kept focus.
With these words ran through my head:
1. you can be late
2. You won’t make it
3. I can’t do it
I even asked Archangel Metatron to hold the time!
The train came and I had the ramp to get up and my legs where about to give way and I just hung in there enough for the train driver to see me. I climbed on board ready to vent some unpleasant words. But I didn’t. All my walking had paid off this morning and got me to the train in two minutes.
I’m probably a half a kilometre? Or a block and a half if you use the city as a guide! Stay focused and you’ll get there…on time always.
Then by late 2019, a spirit guide with a long white beard started to appear at my shamanic sessions. Then decided to obtain a guide drawing of him, and you’d never guessed who it was…
The very man I used to ask to ‘hold’ the time for me.
Well, it must have worked as he his now helping with this next part of the journey for who knows how long.
Action is what I need right now.
In the writing department.
And that has been happening,
Since the beginning of 2021.