All tagged SYMBOLS


Never underestimate your power is often something we over look until it meets us face to face. Same as I did in numerous cases in my life. Once we learn the art of taking back our power, that is the secret. The real time is when we have done our best, like making it to the shops before they close or getting that bargain when the sales have finished. Nothing is out of reach. Take a read and have a think where you have underestimated your very own power. Enjoy.


Yellow was never a colour in our house. It was connected to my Aunt until I learnt years later the real reason she chose that colour. Although this vibrant colour is an important colour to use if you are struggling with power issues or digestion. Even wearing yellow does wonders to our spiritual healing progress. Take a read and find out how I learnt the real reason for buying yellow flowers for my beloved deceased Aunt. Enjoy.


This post was originally publish on my first Wordpress (free blog) in 2014 at the time of the event.

Signs are you missing? Perhaps you are getting them and not realising the meaning. Often the same thing can mean different things to two people. This piece of writing is written way before started this blog in 2015 in fits and starts. Take a read and see if you resonate with the story. Maybe you have had something similar?


The Haunted Mansion film is a great one for learning - never to fail at life. Learning to trust is a vital key in life and healing. Once we let go of fear we aim for the best. Many people are working too hard and not looking that the bigger picture until this haunted house decided to teach this father a lesson. Check out what I learnt in the blog. Enjoy.