All tagged LAUGHTER


It’s all about the colours isn’t just about slapping food together. Believe it or not, food carries energy too. Once you are able to ‘see’ the energy in food, it’s hard for people to get. Since the night my world change when I had ‘The Shift’ life has never been the same. While I know it’s a gift, it’s help me make some great changes in my life and I hope you will one day experience this shift too. Take a read and learn how it’s all about the colours. Enjoy.


Who loved The Muppets as a kid in the 80’s? We certainly did as family back then when it hit the television scene around dinner time! Then the repeats over the years which we never bore of. But it’s the teachings that come with the show that stay with us. Just like this revamp of The Muppet movie that is a pure joy to watch because the children of the 80’s just get how all the characters performed. Stayed the same I guess. Check out why it is a great film to watch and learn from. Enjoy.


It’s kinda funny how the spirits mess with us. Read on to find how I was told I had writer’s block! A jolly story that was uplifting in real life than putting it down in words :) Some times people with disabilities need to find other ways of achieving the same out come. What a fun way to laugh about doing this now? Originally written months earlier than published. Check out the bottom of the blog for details.


Even though it's a fun way to let go of stress and get out of the box and do something very different to to your daily routine. While most times it done in tandem, I was the odd one out. This sure hit the spot of things to do in this life time. Would you ever consider doing jungle surfing? If so, then take a read and see what you think? You never know what’s hiding until your discover them. Unintentionally. So enjoy.