Have you ever thought about amping up your healing process but don't know how? Sometimes it happens when you are not 'quiet' ready. That's what happened to me. Things began to unfold after this night. Take a read and see if it has happened to you.
Welcome to my blog. I document my journey in healing, life lessons and children’s stories. Hope you have a nice stay!
Have you ever thought about amping up your healing process but don't know how? Sometimes it happens when you are not 'quiet' ready. That's what happened to me. Things began to unfold after this night. Take a read and see if it has happened to you.
Do you ever consider what the fairies might be like? Perhaps they are in your garden waiting to meet you? Fairies are SHY is the main reason many have not seen or felt them. The soft glowing light will emerge when the humans are appreciative and are happy to comply to helping this planet HEAL. Read on to find out more. Enjoy.
Have you every packed your car and left with no job? This post marks the eleventh anniversary of the day I did that. It changed the course of my life.
I listened, I acted and I trusted what might happen for the best. Take a read and learn how I went. Enjoy.
Last day of Grandmother teachings is a sacred day and I'm honouring my maternal grandmother because it's her birthday (even though she has passed). Teachings with the Turtle Woman allows you to heal yourself and bring in the healing tools to reconnect with the women in your life. By healing you, you are also healing your mother and ancestors...Enjoy.
Have you ever seen the third eye? Maybe your impression was not what you thought. Although I’ve had numerous experiences, I' never expect to see the ‘eye’ like this. Finding the right Shaman can make all the difference. Read here to see how shamanic work can help you see your third eye. Enjoy!
The night the Dr. Wayne Dyer changed my life. Magic happens in all kinds of ways, including dreams. While I was fortunate to see Wayne some time before this night, but who would have thought that closure was a form of appearing to me in my dream. Hence healing comes in many ways, we don't always have control over thing that takes place. While I’m personally a big believer in magic happens and this motto stuck with me from that moment. Seriously. Enjoy.