Believe it or not, fairies are shy.
Same as humans, they can be very shy. Fairies were something I never really knew much about (maybe I have read a few too many Enid Blyton) books that they have rubbed off on me...
Since my first experience with the fairies in Northern New South Wales, Australia, I have felt so blessed they have been with me all along.
Hence, the fairies are shy, they won’t appear to you if you are too pushy or they know you will riddle them.
They sense our feelings and thoughts long before we arrive to the location if it’s a sacred mountain or a new abode.
In fact I’ve asked the fairies to come with me once I left the home with the dog and sure they did to the temporary residence, as I see in my minds eye, they have joined me.
Perhaps the new owners to my old home are not going to appreciate them I like did, in fact I did my best to serve the home and area as best I could to help heal those old land wounds as it once was an indigenous area, and sacred to the custodians of the land.
So, when the fairies are shy you need to have patience and trust that they are listening to what you are saying. Give it a few goes, then you’ll know they trust you will help them.
They are small and may take a bit to get to know you.
The fairies are still a little angry at some humans as they have taken a long time to have their spiritual 'awakening.'
Once the fairies get past their shyness with you, they are funny little creatures. You may find yourself giving up your favourite soft drink or chocolate bar overnight and not realising it’s the fairies helping you make those changes, that have a world impact.
You may feel the calling or need to be in the garden more or walk your dog more that usual.
Believe there is a bigger purpose here
Believe in magic
Believe they live in your backyard
Believe you can help them effortlessly
Believe you are the difference the world needs with the fairies support,
All year round.