All tagged THE SHIFT - MOVIE


It’s all about the colours isn’t just about slapping food together. Believe it or not, food carries energy too. Once you are able to ‘see’ the energy in food, it’s hard for people to get. Since the night my world change when I had ‘The Shift’ life has never been the same. While I know it’s a gift, it’s help me make some great changes in my life and I hope you will one day experience this shift too. Take a read and learn how it’s all about the colours. Enjoy.


A story I wanted to share with Wayne Dyer. As this is something I cannot comprehend how it happened myself…While Dr. Wayne Dyer had a huge impact on many people and I was fortunate to see him on stage in Melbourne 2013 for a brief time as he had some health issues. While this movie has changed title to Ambition to meaning. Certainly a meaningful film if you haven’t seen it. Otherwise check out my experience. Enjoy.