
Welcome to my blog. I document my journey in healing, life lessons and children’s stories. Hope you have a nice stay!


Mid 2020 when the world was going in and out of lockdown especially Melbourne, Australia, it was when I had commenced a healing session with Turtle woman and the words came from spirit that I will walk into work around June/July.

Hmm sometimes we have gotta store these messages as we never know when the truth reveals itself some years later than originally intended. While spirits message may be hard for some to comprehend until we are living that moment. Although, I did ‘walk into a job’ shortly after that but it was short lived. It wasn’t until 2023 when my casual nursery hand job was slowing down mid-late summer that I decided to seek elsewhere. Then one warm afternoon while floating in the ocean at Seaford, it dawned on me the words, ‘walk into work’ and what did spirit meant all those years ago.

 While the world went on with their lives, I was stuck at home screaming my lungs out, intense crying fits and grief with only two friends who really had my back during those challenging few weeks. Then when things got desperate, and I fronted up at the salvos one day in need of help to think this is crap and no one in my family was there for me. Many times, I yelled at mum to get me out of this situation as I functioned better when I worked. However, Mum had a better plan….

It was until June when I had a private Peruvian healing with Master Carlos booked and needed to be moved forward a week, so I had to attend the Mind Body and Spirit festival instead. Unbeknownst to me, between the time of the original session to a week earlier, unimaginable things took place. I kid you not. A HR lady in a job-hunting group appeared who read resumes daily for a job and never reads cover letters, so I reached out to her to go over mine. It was now Tuesday and she said, ‘I’ll amend it on the weekend.’ Thursday I was in tears in a car park texting a friend who had visions of me working in Bunnings and I was ready to toss the towel in. Even though I had applied for Bunnings some weeks earlier, I was soon rejected like many other jobs.

At this point I was at my wits end from applying for work in my car on rainy days in shopping centre carparks to physically handing in my resume wherever there was an opportunity to do face to face customer service. Most of the jobs, were a few days a week or just didn’t feel right when I went to interviews. Some I sensed they were just checking you out to see how old you are. Seriously, I left not knowing the pays so I’ll never know which job would have been better than the other. Rejection after rejection…

Then on Friday I flicked on Jora and an ad popped up for Bunnings in Hastings and I then flicked another email to the HR lady and said, ‘I’m also targeting bunnings jobs too.’ Now I had to wait to receive my revamped documents and applied and waited and waited, then I received a phone call for a job interview the following week… then I attend two interviews and was offered a job.

 Finally, a job where I can talk. If you know what I mean. Literally I had to be jobless to be able to ‘walk into work.’


The list I had created for my dream job in June 2022 had arrived…..

Post written circa 10th Feb, 18th Nov 2023