All tagged HEAL


A clouded head means no, it occurs when we feel like nothing is happening. It could be a major decision or a life changing situation we have no control over. Especially when you need to find a new place to live. Like I did at the time. From this life lesson I know understand what happens to us when something is a REAL big NO! Our head gets clouded and we are not able to get any answers. The key to life is to keep going until it falls into place. Keep looking, trying, applying what ever it is. Home, job, mortgage loan or even to start a family. We cannot not give up until we have reached our goal….find out what happened when I got a bad case of a clouded head! Enjoy.


Change is difficult for many as they prefer to believe the other person is in the fault. While we cannot achieve our wishes with the same way of thinking that got us into that position in the first place. It is up to us to find that inner balance within and learn to face what is uncomfortable or needs to go. I certainly feel the discomfort just at the thought of sitting at the computer. Ha ha not funny! Anyhow check out where you may need to make changes. Enjoy.


Automatic post first appeared in my drafts in February, 2016! It actually sat in my laptop as a messed up file for a very long time. Same as automatic writing you cannot force something to happen if it isn’t ready to emerge. Simple. But it is the truth. Maybe you have already tried the automatic writing before? Take a read and see what resonates with you the most. While this post was created long ago, it’s still applicable. Enjoy.


Fancy a toe reading is something I never thought was possible! AND yes there are people trained in that field and who would have thought your toes tell you a history. I know I wasn’t alone as I remember a customer who join in too. Those big world Facebook groups were fun back then. I’d be too overwhelmed nowadays. Just remember that some things in life done on the spur of the moment may just give you a little insight to the world you have been living! Find out what my toes said about me here. Enjoy!


Have you ever thought about how others affect your life when things change on the home front especially when sharing with others? It occurs when you become more sensitive and often unexpected situations arise and cause havoc on the body with out you having a clue. It’s important to get the grit on what your body is telling you. Even if you doubt it. The truth will get louder so take a read here to learn more. Enjoy.


Don’t mess with me is a good message for those who like to over step peoples boundaries or be told to stop messing with others….emotions. While I’m not one to be messed with, some have learnt the hard way. So why not? If we are not taken seriously then it’s time to walk away. Check out this blog and see if it resonates with you. You may be surprised. Enjoy.


Expect the unexpected when we drop in to that space. The universe has a better plan some days, even if you cannot see it at the time. As we move forward it’s required that we expect more the unknown treasure to fall in our lap….literally. Enjoy.


Play…who doesn’t love to play sometimes. We all need to find that inner joy within ourselves and do more of it. Everybody has a unique way of finding that spot that makes their heart sing. May a day at the beach does it for you or some other trick, make it a regular thing before it gets to mundane. Enjoy.


Being sick really sucks especially when it sneaks up on you and suddenly disappears. There is more to life then living your days on ‘mattress island’ as it’s known. Some may say its mindset others just got a rough patch to get through before they can see the good gems. Learn from each situation and take charge from there. Enjoy.


Whonever walked into a book shop and physically felt someone with you? I had this experience with Hannah Kent’s first book called ‘Burial Rites.’ Then to the unexpected I actually met her a few years later. While meeting authors who have presence come through them is pretty rare. The main part of the journey is how I came about this book and I share that in this blog. Check it out. Enjoy.


Late 2019 while in session a doorway appeared. While previous sessions, many doors where shown and where often closed. In some sense we need a fresh start in life and over the years certain chapters of our lives close for good whether we realise it or not. Take a read and see of this has happened to you? Enjoy.


It never occurred to me that one night changed everything for me and I began to see energy in clothes, foods and some cases objects! Once this happened, it was hard not to ignore it. I mean energy is energy and some colours can affect us. It’s vital to work on ourselves and so we attract the same vibes as our clothes and they radiate at the same frequency that our energy holds. As we move forward, we will require less stuff and only keep what is need. Enjoy.


Are you waiting to pull that door? Hence time is speeding up, we all need to do the inner work so that more doors appear in time for us to choose. While we are lead to believe to sit and wait for the shinning armour to arrive, he will be lost in time till you do the work. Focus on making the changes within and then you will feel you are no long caught in that waiting game hey? Enjoy.


Walk into work had been a challenge for a few years. In order to get a better job, we need to rid the old ways that keep us stuck. Being determined has keep me going despite the challenges I had faced on top of grief. This blog follows a brief part of the journey and how I literally landed the job description on my list from June 2022.



Communication with your eyes is a vital key with every day life. This skill has been a big gift since I was a young child. Hence my hearing loss, my eyes make up the difference. The saying is the eyes are the window to the soul and I’ve been drawn to people via their eyes my whole life. It bugs me when I meet people in sunnies and refuse to take them off, I simply can’t see in this case. Anyhow take a read. Enjoy.


Have you ever thought that the reality of the Neverending Story was written way before it time! Seriously, our who life is a neverending story… things come and go in life until we learn to fix the mirror within us and not the reflection. Then the momentum of the things you attract changes from struggling to thriving. Once that is done you begin a new never ending story of abundance! Find out why I resonated with this film. Enjoy.


Literally gave up coca-cola overnight is a true story. It did happen at the beginning of my healing journey although I was downing many bottles of coke leading up to this day. Hence the headaches, tummy aches and abdominal pains were frequent. In some cases coke was the only thing that would fix them. Giving up coke is one thing I will happily state that I don’t drink it. It just doesn’t call me like it used too. And because I’ve had a profound experience of giving up coke I know it can happen to other foods too. Just some keep coming back and forever taunting us! We need to keep working on ourselves to fix the inner problem and eventually the crazy cravings will disapear overnight, just like the coke. Take a Squizzy at the story behind me giving up coke overnight. It may happen to you someday. Enjoy.


It’s all about the colours isn’t just about slapping food together. Believe it or not, food carries energy too. Once you are able to ‘see’ the energy in food, it’s hard for people to get. Since the night my world change when I had ‘The Shift’ life has never been the same. While I know it’s a gift, it’s help me make some great changes in my life and I hope you will one day experience this shift too. Take a read and learn how it’s all about the colours. Enjoy.


Have you ever thought about how hard it is to be fake? Perhaps not if you have never been one. Tides only change with fake people their world doesn't go to plan. Like a mask lifting, while those who are authentic never have to change. Fake people don’t like change and have a tendency to blame others. Check out this blog to learn how they behave. Enjoy.


There are many occasions when people leave a trail of broken promises. While you may not realise, many of these trait start from in the childhood, it certainly did for me as my parents promised to do this or that as a way to bluff you. Now we understand we need to make the change ourselves. Take a read and find out how it can simpliy be a trail of misbeliefs of broken promises…until you stop them. Enjoy.