When I returned from my European holiday in October 2008, I connected my camera to my laptop and found the photos wouldn’t load.
‘What’s is happening,’ I thought.
After several attempts only to give up and passed onto friend. Then I received a message to say she had trouble with the photos too and could only save some on CD’s.
A few days later I opened the CD’s up of the Dutch wedding only to find they were ALL missing except the photos of me.
How crazy was that?
It went something like this…
Gone. Gone. Me. Me. Me. Gone. Gone. Gone.
But hang on, ‘where’s the cat,’ I thought.
Morning sunrise in Emmeloord.
My heart sunk, for some unknown reason I was more concerned about the cat missing than any other.
AND I needed help to recover my 4,000 plus photos urgently.
Lucky I had a feeling or something within me forcing me not to delete or reformat the disk.
Then one Friday evening I place the memory card in the laptop and followed the movement of my cursor on the screen without me doing a thing. The Groom in Holland was now operating my laptop via remote access.
It felt weird.
So, I left the computer on over night and found my images coming the next morning and through out the day.
The groom HAD saved me.
Several years later when he returned to Australia he said in a joking way, ‘That took all night, about eight hours or more.’
Finally, I was overjoyed to see the photo of that beloved cat image.
While many photos were corrupted or missing…
That was life.
The dangers of an older computer and new memory card can cost you your memories if you are not careful.
The best way to learn is from our mistakes.
Even after many hours of deleting photos I would not want to see anyone live through this experience.
The cat photo in my eyes was a highlight and really called my soul to recover it.
I'm glad I listened.