If you are on who gets into trouble for talking then check out this hilarious children’s film. A journey of a parrot who talks and follows the journey back to his original owner. Just imagine if you started to hear a bird talk normal to you. We all need to learn to do our work and move towards a rewarding job where you are able to shine in your work and be respected but your co-workers….and there is no time to waste now. Take the action to make those long over due changes. In the meantime check you local library for this DVD and enjoy the light hearted messages it has for the family. Enjoy!


EGO loves distraction no matter what it is, from not doing the self development work, to over eating or simply doing everything to avoid being home! The EGO is a tough nut and we all have one until we learn to put him/her in check and take the reins on life and charge ahead. I’ve witness many people not doing the work on themselves and often point the finger at others. Until we can pull away from the EGO and get our unique messages out there to the world, life will be more rewarding. Check out what could be a distraction when you haven’t thought about it? In the meantime. Enjoy.


Many people believe you can fool others with words! Not anymore as people are so more in tune they can feel the intent just seeing the name of the person on their phone. Empaths have wonderful gift of feeling and maybe their knowing is super strong too. I totally get how it feels as I’m an empath and I certainly feel things, good and bad. Find out if you are feeling the in between and not realising it? If not, just enjoy the read.


You often read about how people can’t hear you. It happens a lot in the spiritual world as your frequency changes and it really and sadly gets to a point where people literally can’t hear you. That’s why its a waste of your time and energy trying to explain something when these people are not ready. I can tell when people no longer listening and its not a nice place to be when no one is listening to you. Especially if you are the awakened soul like I am. Makes you just want to bang your head. Find out if you are being heard otherwise it’s time to leave that situation and find the ones who love to listen to you as they are open and ready. Then it won’t feel like hard work anymore. Enjoy.


How does your body react if someone from the other side was trying to make contact? Getting goose bumps and tingling is something I though was normal until I queried a customer one day! This article explains the difference between the two as goosebumps are visual whereas tingling is invisible and ‘felt’ inside the body! Weird eh? I know, maybe if you hang out with me long enough they may transfer on you! Check it out and see if you can feel them one day? Enjoy.


New growth this year is exactly what we have. Although I wrote this blog at the beginning of the year before my bout of unwellness, its been a delay to get it published! We all need growth in our lives or we become stale, stagnant and very moody. Just like our hair when we are growing it, things can take time. The bud eventually burst on the trees and and sprout come spring and a whole new out look is in front of us. Our own personal growth is different to each person. This year mainly 2019 is all about the self. Thats why we feel the need to shed what no longer serves us. Regardless. See the lessons and move forward. Make the time to read how new growth may help you? Enjoy.


A lot had changed since I first moved to Melbourne and needed a bed! Although now in (August 2019) I have let go of having a bed and currently use what is provided. At the best of times, having your own bed that’s preferably not shared by others unless it’s your life partner then, you are safe. Many often choose to provide their own furniture. AND I certainly wouldn’t be living in my current rent place if I had a whole house full of items. Keep it simple until you are finally settled. Take a read and see what changes might have happened to you or not aware of. Enjoy.


It may be difficult to understand that time is not real. It’s the all masculine energy that dictates that we need to know even deal down to the time. Even when you don’t know, because when you are in the flow. Time does not exist! We arrive on time to events, we leave on time to travel and we always know when something is not right and trust when we must get out the door as fast as our legs carry us! Learning to let go of time and work with it on your life’s mission is the way to go…..take a read and see what changes you can do. Enjoy.


Time is getting faster, even if you can’t feel it. Not because of how we age, but things are happening quicker. Hence the art of manifeston and karmic lessons are returning at a faster rate. For those who have done the inner work will find it easier to move forward. Those that are still thinking about the old ways that don’t work may want to look at what’s holding them back. Time is an illusion and it’s happening now. Stop waiting for the rainy day to get things going, start today. New doors and opportunities are flooding in and we need to grab them at once and take the action now.


Would really know if you have a soul contract here on Earth? Perhaps it’s to help people ‘awaken’ or make changes in their lives that have a low impact on the Earth. Maybe it’s your role to bring awareness to others on certain areas? I do understand, mine is water as I’ve had a strong connection to it since a toddler. Even called the water baby in my family. Take read her and find out of it rings any bells in your life to what your soul contract may be? Enjoy.


Would ever have considered that it is possible to hear things from another world or dimension as it’s often called? As you may know I’m hearing impaired and its happened a few times where I’ve managed to hear things that no one else has. Hence this post is about a certain situation that happened to me. Maybe there has been times when you have thought, who said that? It’s true, red on and find out what I heard….Enjoy.


Would you ever have wondered what the affect of decluttering has on a child? Maybe you enjoyed having your mother or father clean out after you. Often it the most sensitive children that feel it the most. As time has passed, I understood I was probably the same age my mother was doing the same to me? We are emerging into a new world and YOU and I are here to make that change.


Are you one of those people who people look down on you? Perhaps you’ve been having the some kind of experience that I’ve had and still have at times. The key lies in our self worth and when we realise that it doesn’t matter what others think because you know you are living in truth. It’s time to discover those living with the mask are doing themselves or you any favours. Find how I made people change….


Does it ever cross your mind that there are different kinds of stealing? Not just money? Often we are robbed of time, like chatting endlessly for hours on the phone simply about nothing. Perhaps you are selling yourself short with others and not getting your things done? It can be confronting too when people do really steal from you and have no mercy that you worked hard. Like I had approximately a weeks wages taken from me once!

Find out the other ways people steal from us. Enjoy.


People who only give you have the story can have an impact on your life. It happens a lot as we are rarely told the full story to many things, especially in the working world. Plus many other areas of our lives we can be told lots of untruths and situations that could be different of only we were told the full story in the first place. Same case if someone moves in to new abode and not informed that there’s a chance of a move further on, or renovations happening in the future. They ALL have an impact, regardless. Although I tell many people that I will always find the truth, even if it’s years later. It finds its way to me! Take a read and see if any of it hits a chord! Enjoy.


What are your predictions for this year? Oops it’s a tad late. Well, since late last year I was getting it was going to be a year of the Goddess! Yay, let’s take care of our inner feminine. Then around New Year issues where coming ups around time. So take a read and see what changes you may have already started to feel, get or just happen to know.. Enjoy


Have you ever wondered why some people are no longer needed in our life? Change is vital for growth. Once you being the path of healing, our friendship circles change too. In a good way. Learn to embrace the change as it can be hard at times. The best time to learn about people is when you are going through a difficult stage in your life and you don’t hear from the one who thought were your friends. Ironically many don’t like you to change because they not longer have control over you. Take a read and learn a few things. Enjoy.


Often in life we all need to do various jobs to get where we are mean to be. For some it’s to build a clientele for later life missions, others it’s a practice run of dealing with people. Which helps me as I’m a people person and love to help others along the way. So thats why our jobs are a stepping stone to eventually break away from those old patterns and take all the gifts to your gifted work that you came here for. Maybe you have just found yours or still yet to discover the gold. Take a read here to find out what working life I’ve had up until this post was originally written in 2015….


Have you ever thought about amping up your healing process but don't know how? Sometimes it happens when you are not 'quiet' ready. That's what happened to me. Things began to unfold after this night. Take a read and see if it has happened to you.