Would think I’m crazy if I told you that EGO loves distraction?
It’s true.
The distraction depends on what it is as everyone is at a different stage in their lives. Some are just ‘waking up.’
But the ones who really get affected are the ones who KNOW they need to do the work but they take on or do other things to avoid doing what really needs to be done.
Perhaps it’s that back room in your house that you simply avoid cleaning out, or taking trips away constantly to avoid being home with your partner.
There are many different forms of distractions.
The EGO loves it because what ever your soul calling is, it gets delayed.
Something I remember from teachings of a former new age Doreen Virtue long ago was that the higher the life’s purpose the BIGGER the EGO.
Now that hit me hard. I’ve stored it in my memory and so glad I can share with it you. Because it’s vital to understand that many are not barking for the sake of getting attention.
It’s their calling.
Maybe yours is big too.
Find it now and work on it.
Only you can complete this mission. NO ONE ELSE.
So stop the distractions immediately and focus on making a difference in this world.
If you are not sure what your distractions are? Ask a friend as he or she will know. Perhaps you are playing candy crush in the waiting time for the lift when you could be hunting for a more rewarding job that pays better?
What ever it is, your calling will only get louder if you IGNORE it any longer.