“Take a look at the gooses. They think they are the king of this ocean.” The things I see that happen under the water would make you laugh or cry. “Come on stop showing off and have you ever seen a shark wearing a mask? Ha ha I can’t help but to laugh at the clowns or shall I say funny sharks.” Well, no one can see me as I’m only to be felt.
Most days the water is calm until the sun puts on a show and sends the humans to the water’s edge. Next, we have the fish or sharks showing how tough they are and some never to be seen again. Oh, dear where did they go. While most humans flee the beach when they see those pointy bits that stick out of the water sometimes. Especially when they are hungry. Lucky for me I don’t eat but I get the job of keeping the ocean clean. As many don’t care about how I feel when the water gets murky.
“Just look at the grin on Sharky on the surfboard like his better than anyone else. I’ll fix him if he gets too smart, I’ll drop a little gas bubble and he’ll be crying his eyes out for hours. Ha ha I bet you must think I’m joking.”
All of Nemo’s cousins have seem to multipled since he hit the big screen. Sometimes I just want to be like the island and do nothing for once and watch the rainbows appear in the sky. Just heaven. The coral was once so bright and alive and we could have conversations for hours but with the tourist boom in some parts of the world, my coral friends have been suffering and may not live much longer if people don’t help them find a way to regrow at a faster rate.
Maybe if I didn’t set my gas bubbles off to the sharks, that might save the corals.