Somehow I stumbled on this children’s back in 2015 and I loved it. Maybe, it’s because I had been living without a television for a number of years.
At that time, I was studying the current art of children’s writing, story telling and storylines in class. So I was blown away the ‘supernatural’ style of film that reminded me of a modern day Mary Poppins.
So, have you met the real Nanny McPhee?
Like Mary, Nanny McPhee had that ‘magical’ appearance about her that drew you into the film and there happen to be people who have that about them too. With Nanny she spoke little words and used her telepathy skills to transmit thoughts and ideas to you.
Now in 2020 it resonates with the people of today, by the way they transfer their energy into you at a faster rate. At times I believe that this has happened to me by transferring the same on to others.
Has this happened to you?
Where you have you just looked at someone or have that knowing that you are getting a message from them? In time we will ‘get’ what we are meant to learn from others, good or bad.
Just like healing there are teachers who let you ‘experience’ the process first hand without saying a thing and then there are others who will tell you things about what may occur.
Although this film has been extracted from three books under the title of Nurse Matilda, the actual film needed to be changed due to the following. That the term Nurse is an old English term for Nanny and the name Matilda is already a famous book by Ronald Dahl.
Have you met the real Nanny McPhee really resonated with me because I felt as though I am a modern day Nanny McPhee and maybe you too?
Here is a quote from the film made me believe so.
‘There is something you should understand about the way I work.
When you need me but do not want me, then I stay.
When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go.’
- Nanny McPhee
Book version [Nurse Matilda]
‘The more they don’t want me, ‘the more they must need me. That is the way I work. When children don’t want me but do need me: then I must stay. When they no longer need me, but they do want me: then I have to go.’