Until we start the doing the work on ourselves or begin a ‘spiritual journey’ many are not aware how close centred we are.
So, are you closed off?
It’s a difficult one as most believe they are open to life, when they are truthfully not.
The thing is we really need to work on that heart centre and open up which will make us vulnerable. Because our heart space is the home of grief and our deepest pain also lives here.
Then there’s our belief of how love should be and not the fake reality of the movies. In order to heal we need to smash open that heart so love can penetrate and the more we smash it open, the more love flows to/through us.
Being closed off is not healthy and many men are this way as they don’t know how or were never taught to receive love. It’s a strong indication to men having heart attacks as the heart centre is closed off.
Everyday I see people who are closed off and some won’t budge like not holding the door open for me as I’m pushing a heavy trolley about for work. Most are changing as I have a cheeky nature while working as I’m helping these closed off people make changes….
Just simple as saying ‘Thanks, something good will happen for doing a good deed.’ Then I receive a smile or a ‘no worries’ gesture.
Being closed off is not only stopping love, but life in general. The heart in 5D is the new ‘eye’ to see things from who is in truth to knowing what is it you need to be doing to get your message across to the world.
Sometimes it really is painful to watch others as I work from the heart and find it difficult to understand why people are mean to others or simple just DON’T want to change.
Until they are ready, there isn’t much you can do.
Apart from sending them compassion.
From your heart to theirs.
Along with prayers that one day,
They will open up for good.