
Welcome to my blog. I document my journey in healing, life lessons and children’s stories. Hope you have a nice stay!



Dreams came true with this magical ticket to Culture Club

Dreams came true with this magical ticket to Culture Club

It all began in March when an event was shared around on Facebook. Something within me stirred, then it kept popping up in my news feed – daily. I began dreaming that this could really happen.

Culture Club was coming Australia.

I began looking up floor plans and prices for a ticket only realising they were not released until early April. From the very moment I laid my eyes on the diamond floor.

My heart was set.

On that.

Nothing else.

A few days late I shared the Culture Club event on my personal facebook page and my sister commented,

‘OMG that would be a dream come true for you.’

I guess she knew me well.

Since the days of Karma Chameleon I had had an indescribable love for Boy George. Although it went doormat for a while, I still would find myself reading about him from time to time.

Even though Culture Club had started a world tour recently, I really wanted to go then but something inside of me was acting strange.

I didn’t understand why I felt that way.

The message was strong.

I gave up.

Then he got a throat infection.


But this time was different.

Something inside of me, knew I would be there. Before long thoughts ran through my mind as to, ‘how was the money going to come to me?’

But that didn’t stop the daily visions of myself at the Culture Club in the diamond section.  The location of my seat was to the right of my image. At short notice to my site manager I applied for annual leave for the first week of April.

My visions got stronger as the day drew closer. Then on the day of the release, I jumped online determined to obtain the best ticket.

After several attempts and many frustrated words, I discovered it was going to tally up over $400 for that one limited single diamond ticket.

This was impossible for me.

I was gutted.

I left it.

Believing magic will happen.


I went to bed that night saying these exact words, ‘Guides, if you want me there, then find me the best ticket OR I am not going!’

I prayed.


I couldn’t imagine myself not going.

Then six days later an email bounced in my inbox of a list of upcoming concerts and my eyes widened at the words, ‘Culture Club.’

My hand flew onto the touch pad, I clicked on the email, thoughts flashed through my mind.  That this email was something I believed was once lost and I would never see again had found it’s way to me.

An overwhelming feeling arose over me, I promptly responded quoting my mobile number, a habit I refrain from doing due to my hearing loss.

Within an hour I receive a phone call from the ticketing company.

‘I’m calling in regards to Culture Club,’ said the man. ‘What tickets would you like?’

‘I want the best,’ I said.

‘What if we can’t get it, will you take the next one down?’

‘How much are they?’ I asked without responding to his question.


‘That’s cheap,’ I said. My heart glowed, with a strong knowing that my vision will be fulfilled in a matter of a few weeks.

Later that night I climbed into bed and repeated the words…

‘Guides, if you want me there, then find me the best ticket OR I am not going!’

Next day, my phone rang at work and answered it not realising what I had done.
I never answer my phone at work.
Because I knew it was them.

Within minutes of my call, I was a proud fan of a diamond ticket. 

It was in my hands a few days later.

AND yes I was seated in the right side of my vision nine rows from the front.

How magical was that?

Post written circa 8th June 2016, 25th June 2016