All tagged DIFFERENT


Whonever walked into a book shop and physically felt someone with you? I had this experience with Hannah Kent’s first book called ‘Burial Rites.’ Then to the unexpected I actually met her a few years later. While meeting authors who have presence come through them is pretty rare. The main part of the journey is how I came about this book and I share that in this blog. Check it out. Enjoy.


Have you ever thought that the reality of the Neverending Story was written way before it time! Seriously, our who life is a neverending story… things come and go in life until we learn to fix the mirror within us and not the reflection. Then the momentum of the things you attract changes from struggling to thriving. Once that is done you begin a new never ending story of abundance! Find out why I resonated with this film. Enjoy.


Well, who loves packing? It’s fun when you are in the drivers seat, but often a move might be the last thing you think about. Especially during chaotic times during a world lock down! Packing a house with no plans is something that happened to me long ago, that I got the drift after that and learnt to keep my belongings to the bare minimum. Although that comes with time, practice and a lot of self work (especially once you’ve done Reiki), things get easier to move on. While it really doesn’t matter how you do things, many items you once cherished will mysteriously disappear. Check this post and find out if you are getting the same messages? Enjoy.


It’s all about the colours isn’t just about slapping food together. Believe it or not, food carries energy too. Once you are able to ‘see’ the energy in food, it’s hard for people to get. Since the night my world change when I had ‘The Shift’ life has never been the same. While I know it’s a gift, it’s help me make some great changes in my life and I hope you will one day experience this shift too. Take a read and learn how it’s all about the colours. Enjoy.


When things don’t go as planned can really throw the spanner in some peoples world. While others thrive on the unpredictability of not knowing what happens next! This is where we need to learn to tune into our selves and there is often a hidden message to why something didn’t work out. While I’m a cheeky one for wanting to do things last minute. Just ask my friends ha ha! Welcome to the world of spontaneity…. Check this post for more detail. Enjoy.


We all have a point of view on many things in life. Because of the way we have been raised or experienced life. The main thing to remember is once you understand the truth to many things, it’s hard to back down. The key is learning that we are all different and once people wake up, they will soon discover who was right all along. Staying in the truth is what will bring you many rewards in life. Because once we reunite together as one. We will all be accepting of each other, all the time. Enjoy.


While I never hope you have to have a experience like the day I fled. Even though many humans still get off on having to blame others for their unhappiness. This day is a day of putting my own safety first, the sad about doing the work on ourselves as it brings out the ugliness in others. Until till the day they learn you had nothing to do with the situation. Find out how I managed to flee what could have been a move for the positive. Enjoy.


Are you being of service? Maybe just popping in on that neighbour on your walk or just calling a friend. While many believe they need to change their job to make the change. When in fact just guiding some one new in the work place can be an act of service. While I’m a people person and operate from the heart and some just don’t get it how important we all are. Because are all in this together, we are all connected. Take a read and so you can make sure you are being of service. Always. Enjoy.


Who loves a good clean or declutter? Why not do a bit one before the year is out, every year until you are only left with the items you need. Yes we do change and thats why it’s important to clean up before New Years Eve, every year. While some may be done in stages, others do at the last minute on the day. Whereas, I’ve not gone out for NYE since 2010…sounds crazy but it’s the truth. Only one occasion I attend an. event but I’ve never gone out or done anything on NYE for sure. Ask my friends! Find out why you need to clean up, it may be just what you need. Enjoy.


Going with the flow is something many people really haven’t mastered yet. Hopefully each day as more and more awaken that they come to an understanding that life really isn’t hard. Just getting in the zone can really make a difference. While other times, things can flow in areas that never did for example, like the time I moved in a middle of a pandemic. Trusting any process is the key to life. When things magically flow with no effect, that’s just where you need to be in that moment. Check out this post on going with the flow and find out if you are. Enjoy.


Walking home from work may be a dream for many, while I had the opportunity to do this even thought they were more than a hop skip and jump! What I love about being on foot is this the things you learn or see along the way. Meaning houses or streets that would have been overlooked just by being in the car. Walking gets you to mauny places indeed. Check out my post to learn what else I discovered about walking home from work. Enjoy.


While I read this a few years ago, it has been coming forth in my mind this year, now I understand everything that is happening in the year 2020 as this book explains it. There is never a more important time then now to locate a copy and READ it. Diana’s books are written way ahead of time and you really do need to be really. I know from experience, because some I’ve bought and not touched until months later. This book may look small but it’s contains a lot of information between those covers and a rare gem. Cherish it and enjoy.


Ever since the year the house mate moved out with his telly, I never realised how much the AFL Grand Finale had an affect on me. That’s when I discovered when I missed the telly the most. Now I have worked through those issues to 2020 being a year of challenges that lead me to accept that by the changes, I really wasn’t bothered with it. Seriously while living alone with no television and not being able to visit friends in a lockdown made it clear. Follow the journey. Enjoy.


When I’m done, I’m done! Its serious stuff when I reach that point. Some people think I’m a easy target, gets what by the time I’m finished with them, they are one left to deal with Mr Karma! Truth is we should not need to get to this point as we are all in this together now. What you think, what I think is all creating a new world.Hopefully people wake up real soon and discover that most of us want the best for everyone. Anyhow we can only trigger see that the good people just simply..walk away. Eventually. Enjoy!


Easter is a time for families, although 2020 will be one year we have to think out side the box for sure. Well here I share little story of something that happened a long time ago. And fortunatey for me the craving vanished…INSTANTLY. So that’s why it’s important to work on your self as you never know when something suddenly stops. While I had a visitor in the night, check put my story for that. Enjoy the time what ever you do. Happy Easter.


Sometimes we feel like we were dropped here from a spaceship and other times we love it. Being different to the norm does have it’s challenges. Learning in this post how to embrace the change and move forward with glee. Rather then dwell on the lonely parts. Eventually once we have done the work. we will naturally attract the right people and situations that mirror our inner being. We just need to do the work first. Take a read and learn that some of the most gifted people in the world are the ones who are trail blazers and making the world a better place. Enjoy.


How does your body react if someone from the other side was trying to make contact? Getting goose bumps and tingling is something I though was normal until I queried a customer one day! This article explains the difference between the two as goosebumps are visual whereas tingling is invisible and ‘felt’ inside the body! Weird eh? I know, maybe if you hang out with me long enough they may transfer on you! Check it out and see if you can feel them one day? Enjoy.


Have you ever wondered why some people are no longer needed in our life? Change is vital for growth. Once you being the path of healing, our friendship circles change too. In a good way. Learn to embrace the change as it can be hard at times. The best time to learn about people is when you are going through a difficult stage in your life and you don’t hear from the one who thought were your friends. Ironically many don’t like you to change because they not longer have control over you. Take a read and learn a few things. Enjoy.


Often in life we all need to do various jobs to get where we are mean to be. For some it’s to build a clientele for later life missions, others it’s a practice run of dealing with people. Which helps me as I’m a people person and love to help others along the way. So thats why our jobs are a stepping stone to eventually break away from those old patterns and take all the gifts to your gifted work that you came here for. Maybe you have just found yours or still yet to discover the gold. Take a read here to find out what working life I’ve had up until this post was originally written in 2015….