A few weeks ago I was fortunate to spend 12 hours with my Shamanic Mentor and a week later I still felt blissful. So here is the story on the magic stick.
It’s sacred work.
And stays that way.
When you are ready, your teacher will be waiting.
Now, part of the teachings we collected some leaves, sticks and at one point I needed to gather a stick for one part of the healing work we were doing. This was to be part of a fire ceremony at a later time.
Believe it or not.
Nature call us.
Before I left the room, visions we popping in my head of where I need to go to find my stick. Then once out side I had a pulling to turn left and my eyes bee lined a tree in a cement area.
‘How am I going to find a stick in that area?’ I thought.
Then I spotted this stick under that very tree and picked it up and raised it in the air to my fellow attendant. Our faces broke into beaming smiles.
After a short while I took the stick to my sacred collected matter and place it diagonally on the pile and left. Later this stick became the magic stick because of how the story was unfolding…
Like life, as we heal.
Mother Earth heals.
When you are ready, you will understand.
Sometime had past and we were sent to check our scared piles and when I got to mine my jaw dropped.
My stick had moved.
It was now pointing directly straight, not diagonally as I had left it.
It’s true.
No one would have known where it was, even if they did, they would have only seen it as a pile of sticks and leaves. So when there was movement within me, my sacred pile changed too.
Although these items were burnt later in a ceremony my fellow attendant asked about the magic stick.
‘It’s gone,’ I said. Mixed feelings arose. I understood only to take photo but not keep the stick.
My body would have known other wise.
I trust that my magic stick will help me on my journey in many ways.
Who wood have thought of that?