All tagged PACHAMAMA


Do you ever consider what the fairies might be like? Perhaps they are in your garden waiting to meet you? Fairies are SHY is the main reason many have not seen or felt them. The soft glowing light will emerge when the humans are appreciative and are happy to comply to helping this planet HEAL. Read on to find out more. Enjoy.


What are your thoughts in blowing your pain, thoughts, beliefs or frustrations into a stone? It works, because these stones have been activated with medicine and are a great tool to use when something triggers you. Take a read and find out how a medicine stone can be the key to your healing journey.


A story of how nature calls you. Trust. Believe. Magic Happens when you are ready. Just like my magic stick this is a true story and really blew my mind away that day/night. Yes some crazy things have happened in my life and often hard to put in words or simply explain to others. While shamanism is not something I knew much of, but I certainly have a passion for it. Check put my story here. Enjoy.