Automatic post first appeared in my drafts in February, 2016! It actually sat in my laptop as a messed up file for a very long time. Same as automatic writing you cannot force something to happen if it isn’t ready to emerge. Simple. But it is the truth. Maybe you have already tried the automatic writing before? Take a read and see what resonates with you the most. While this post was created long ago, it’s still applicable. Enjoy.


Whonever walked into a book shop and physically felt someone with you? I had this experience with Hannah Kent’s first book called ‘Burial Rites.’ Then to the unexpected I actually met her a few years later. While meeting authors who have presence come through them is pretty rare. The main part of the journey is how I came about this book and I share that in this blog. Check it out. Enjoy.


How do you make decisions with ease? Perhaps you are not aware that your body is you best asset when it comes to those big or small lifechanging choices. It may have taken you many years to learn the difference through that bad head ache or sleeping through the alarm or just you feeling violently ill after a job interview (which did happen to me one day). They are all signs of your body communicating with you. Find out why its so vital to know the difference right now. Enjoy.


A story of a woman's love for the man who taught her everything about love. And in life we need to be detached from possessions and thought patterns that harbour our well-being. Learning to understand everything we have is inside of us. If you are spiritual and would love to read a profound book, this it the one. Take a read and find out how the power of love and be the only way. Enjoy. 


Sometimes we want to escape the flock and stay away being different. But there are times we have to mingle and join everyone else. Until our lesson is learnt and these things push us to make those long overdue changes we often resist….

Stand alone when possible and join the flock…occasionally.


A story I wanted to share with Wayne Dyer. As this is something I cannot comprehend how it happened myself…While Dr. Wayne Dyer had a huge impact on many people and I was fortunate to see him on stage in Melbourne 2013 for a brief time as he had some health issues. While this movie has changed title to Ambition to meaning. Certainly a meaningful film if you haven’t seen it. Otherwise check out my experience. Enjoy.