All tagged WISDOM


A clouded head means no, it occurs when we feel like nothing is happening. It could be a major decision or a life changing situation we have no control over. Especially when you need to find a new place to live. Like I did at the time. From this life lesson I know understand what happens to us when something is a REAL big NO! Our head gets clouded and we are not able to get any answers. The key to life is to keep going until it falls into place. Keep looking, trying, applying what ever it is. Home, job, mortgage loan or even to start a family. We cannot not give up until we have reached our goal….find out what happened when I got a bad case of a clouded head! Enjoy.


Have you ever thought that the reality of the Neverending Story was written way before it time! Seriously, our who life is a neverending story… things come and go in life until we learn to fix the mirror within us and not the reflection. Then the momentum of the things you attract changes from struggling to thriving. Once that is done you begin a new never ending story of abundance! Find out why I resonated with this film. Enjoy.


There are many occasions when people leave a trail of broken promises. While you may not realise, many of these trait start from in the childhood, it certainly did for me as my parents promised to do this or that as a way to bluff you. Now we understand we need to make the change ourselves. Take a read and find out how it can simpliy be a trail of misbeliefs of broken promises…until you stop them. Enjoy.


Manifesting works faster when you look at life from a higher perspective and comes at a faster rate. The best way to get there is come clean from the inside out. Meaning to get fit, make healthy choices in foods especially a medical medium one if your wish to understand the relationship with foods that are bogging you down! While living in the new earth energy is easy for those who have done the work, it’s vital to lead others on the path too. Start with yourself and the rest will follow. Enjoy.


Are you being of service? Maybe just popping in on that neighbour on your walk or just calling a friend. While many believe they need to change their job to make the change. When in fact just guiding some one new in the work place can be an act of service. While I’m a people person and operate from the heart and some just don’t get it how important we all are. Because are all in this together, we are all connected. Take a read and so you can make sure you are being of service. Always. Enjoy.


What a challenging year 2020 was? I’m sure most shifting or changed in some way. It was certainly a year not to sit on the fence. Although many continued to work unaffected by the way things were falling apart in other peoples world. While in the bigger picture, no one will ever get this much time off away from work to do exactly what then needed to do. May that be time alone, work on fitness, revalve what is important or most of all what job that really should be doing? It was a tough time and I certainly had my days too. Take a read and see if this resonates with you? Enjoy.


Ever since the year the house mate moved out with his telly, I never realised how much the AFL Grand Finale had an affect on me. That’s when I discovered when I missed the telly the most. Now I have worked through those issues to 2020 being a year of challenges that lead me to accept that by the changes, I really wasn’t bothered with it. Seriously while living alone with no television and not being able to visit friends in a lockdown made it clear. Follow the journey. Enjoy.


Over the years we find ourselves in situations where we want to crawl under the nearest log and HIDE! Unfortunately, we chose this path and often the one of MOST resistance. Once we understand that we need to face things inline head on, even if our insides churn. Especially sitting down at the computer is a difficult one for me on any day. So, regardless of your life’s purpose, keep working at it. That tomorrow may not arrive with the best intention or ‘stuff’ gets in the way and you find your self celebrating the new year without having done anything in the past year. Time is now, don’t let another day go by without facing those difficult jobs. Enjoy.


Have it ever occurred to you how the country folks survive the heat? Maybe you have never experienced the constant to need to venture outside or sit in an almost dark house on extreme heat wave days? As times have progressed the idea of homes being built have changed. The older style homes were often the ones that will outlast a new modern home. Take a read ad find out the difference of how a country childhood memory is embedded in a grown adult living in the city….


If you are on who gets into trouble for talking then check out this hilarious children’s film. A journey of a parrot who talks and follows the journey back to his original owner. Just imagine if you started to hear a bird talk normal to you. We all need to learn to do our work and move towards a rewarding job where you are able to shine in your work and be respected but your co-workers….and there is no time to waste now. Take the action to make those long over due changes. In the meantime check you local library for this DVD and enjoy the light hearted messages it has for the family. Enjoy!


Many people believe you can fool others with words! Not anymore as people are so more in tune they can feel the intent just seeing the name of the person on their phone. Empaths have wonderful gift of feeling and maybe their knowing is super strong too. I totally get how it feels as I’m an empath and I certainly feel things, good and bad. Find out if you are feeling the in between and not realising it? If not, just enjoy the read.


A lot had changed since I first moved to Melbourne and needed a bed! Although now in (August 2019) I have let go of having a bed and currently use what is provided. At the best of times, having your own bed that’s preferably not shared by others unless it’s your life partner then, you are safe. Many often choose to provide their own furniture. AND I certainly wouldn’t be living in my current rent place if I had a whole house full of items. Keep it simple until you are finally settled. Take a read and see what changes might have happened to you or not aware of. Enjoy.


Would ever have considered that it is possible to hear things from another world or dimension as it’s often called? As you may know I’m hearing impaired and its happened a few times where I’ve managed to hear things that no one else has. Hence this post is about a certain situation that happened to me. Maybe there has been times when you have thought, who said that? It’s true, red on and find out what I heard….Enjoy.


A story of a woman's love for the man who taught her everything about love. And in life we need to be detached from possessions and thought patterns that harbour our well-being. Learning to understand everything we have is inside of us. If you are spiritual and would love to read a profound book, this it the one. Take a read and find out how the power of love and be the only way. Enjoy. 


Have you ever thought why you often get sick after tossing old belongings out? Decluttering can have a big impact on you if it’s new to you. Various emotions and things happen to our body as we shed what no longer serves us. In truth many unauthentic items get removed. It’s part of our healing journey to keep moving and replacing things with better use and energy. Take a read and see what you may have experience, if this is something you have been avoiding. Enjoy.


Do you ever consider what the fairies might be like? Perhaps they are in your garden waiting to meet you? Fairies are SHY is the main reason many have not seen or felt them. The soft glowing light will emerge when the humans are appreciative and are happy to comply to helping this planet HEAL. Read on to find out more. Enjoy.


When your feminine takes a hit, can really turn your life upside down. Hence our busy lives, we are not taught to honour our feminine, its only been in the last few years that I’ve been hearing and reading about. But not really got it until this past year. Now, I’m beginning to understand when my feminine is taking a hit and to stop and take action to so something about it!


Everybody say the listen….hmm. Not so, the truth is if you can’t listen. You can’t hear the secret language of the universe (or your invisible helpers). By learning to listen, your life will flow with much more ease. Take a read here and see some the examples of those who simply refuse to LISTEN! Enjoy.


Sometimes in life we need to be miles away from home, only to discover that your house contents really don't serve you anymore. This is exactly what happened to me when I flew to Byron for a workshop. In learning to understand the process of selling your belongings off is hard work. Find out what happened...