Are you a tidy bug? Maybe just on the neat freak side?
How to live with the neat freak: YOU
This can be a fit for many and it can also cause anxiety attacks for some too.
Hence, I never thought I was a neat freak at anytime in my life. The first time I heard I was somehow close to that description was in my very first psychic reading when my hands indicated that I was a perfectionist. Oops!
Then the time came when I was living in the city and I opened up the cupboard and saw all the tins of foods my housemate had lined up with the labels facing me! I immediately moved them around as seeing this gave me flash back to the movie ‘Sleeping with the enemy’ when the husband was a neat freak and had all the towels lined up…
In a short, there is nothing wrong with being a neat freak, it’s just how we deal with it and those around us may think we are a little crazy!
My neat freakiness flows into work and although, most people love it as they get the benefit of enjoying their shared kitchen space to be immaculately clean, even if only for five minutes.
Sometimes we need to clean only when the house is free with no one home.
For me it’s more about clearing the energies and the feeling on having the sink cleared of clutter. While others may like to have the kitchen cleaned before cooking. We all have different levels of cleanliness and learning how to live with a neat freak is something many may not get.
At least I understand my ‘having’ to have everything lined up comes from a past life and that’s a gift for me. At least, when I eventually have my own home I will take pride in having that home reflect my personality what ever that décor is.
Being a neat freak and having to live with it, is part of our journey until the day we settle down.
Even if over the years, I’ve slowly let some things slide, just so I don’t have a sleepless night because the house wasn’t clean enough.