Emma-Jane Watson

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Where’s the joy in your life? 


After a mix up with my prescription for my thyroid, I knew I required a visit to my doctor. Then I watched the doctor nearly fall out the chair when she viewed a recent blood test that I had done.

            ‘You have no iron in your blood,’ she said. 

I looked and thought ‘I have put this test off for a long time.’

 So, after some deep explanation, I knew that this was not the first time I was anaemic. Oh, second time around I thought I had learnt my lesson the first time round. Then I recalled the dreams I had had leading up to the event.

One night I dreamt that a co-worker was absent from work and I seemed to know he was bleeding but the others didn’t know. Then I dreamt of a fridge with food in it. But there was one problem. The food was rotten. Could these have been signs I was loosing the blood and not my co-worker?

Even though dreams play a strong part in my life for getting messages. Nothing was a vivid as the time when I was anaemic the first time around. It happened around the time when I was first married and relying on, and waiting for my ex-husband to come home and cook for me. It was often way past my usual bedtime. That eventually didn’t feel like eating. Then the smell of meat made my stomach churn. 

But the dreams that came happened three times and very vivid. The reoccurring dreams were of AIDS. In the pattern of the dream were that I had caught the disease and it was triggering inner emotions that I had watched everyone around me. Until later when my condition was notified with a phone call from my country doctor on a Saturday afternoon. ‘What good service’ I thought and still think today.

  Although, numerous test and visits to many specialist. The last option was to place me on a strong conceptive pill to control the heavy bleeding. And it took many months of an itchy scalp and breathlessness of walking up a slight incline.

Eventually I healed.

But this time around the first thing after buying my iron supplements, I fetched a book in the bottom of my wardrobe. The ‘All is Well’ is co-authored by Louise L. Hay and Mona Lisa Schultz. This book contains affirmations on different health situations and in depth information on the seven energy centres of the body. Commonly known as the chakras. 

So next, I flicked to the page about anaemia and my eyes rolled over the words ‘lack of joy.’ Hmmm, I thought and knew I had not having much fun as being due to the current financial situation I had got my self into. I had already understood that anaemia fell into the base chakra energy centre. Then days later I discovered it also came under the banner of the heart chakra because blood is moved around the body by the heart. So then I gave my heart chakra extra Reiki whenever I was resting in bed from series of nana naps. There were moments when I was constantly heading to bed more than getting outside. My eyes and body shut down due to heart, muscles along with severe headaches that the bed was the best place until I felt stronger. 

Which then lead to a Mirena insertion to control the blood loss.

So I thought.


Post written circa 11th November, 2014 (Actual Event - mid to late 2014)