All tagged SELF CARE


The poison arrows can be very painful when sent by jealous envious people! Sometimes they are by the people who care about you. Don’t be fooled by who you think it is. You maybe surprised! This post explains how a poison arrow happens and what you may expect, then tips on how to avoid them. Thankfully, mine did stop. The main thing is they can happen to anyone. Check it out and see for yourself. Enjoy.


STOP paying for services that no longer serve you is a life lesson many need right now. Even more so as since this post was first written there has been more services like Netflix and other streaming methods that suck up your money. This is even without considering the food/coffee addictions many have to deal with. But this is about looking at things close to home that is no longer applicable. Yes we have all had gym memberships and let them…we you know the story. Time to dig deep, take a read and enjoy.


Sadly, there are some vey unhappy people in this world. And the more work you do on your self the more energy/inner light attracts these so called moths! Until the nitpickers do the work on themselves, we need to holding our own boundaries FIRMLY. Where possible, remove yourself from the nitpickers, if not keep doing the inner work and things may magical shift on their own. Enjoy.


Be creative every day is a vital step this year, and not a year to be wasted in things that do not move your life forward. Cut the distractions and find that calling, whatever it is, be that food blogger you always wanted to be or join that art or cooking class you have boasted about…for far too long! Be creative helps you realise how important it is this year to channel your energy into being that creative soul you were born to be. Check out this post to learn why 2020 is the year magic happens. Enjoy.


Being closed off is not healthy and becoming more important since the beginning of 2020 is all about balance. When we are more open to life, it flows. That’s why it’s vital to open up our heart centres now and work on why are not. Even if you have spent your life being closed off, it is not to late to learn why many have been closed off. Start now, and incorporate it into your daily life and watch it unfold. Maybe you are more open and will be the change others need to see? It only takes one person to make a difference to the world. Start now by checking in with yourself to see if you are closed off. In the meantime, help others.

Take a read and enjoy .


Yellow was never a colour in our house. It was connected to my Aunt until I learnt years later the real reason she chose that colour. Although this vibrant colour is an important colour to use if you are struggling with power issues or digestion. Even wearing yellow does wonders to our spiritual healing progress. Take a read and find out how I learnt the real reason for buying yellow flowers for my beloved deceased Aunt. Enjoy.


Decluttering is something many love or hate. In fact I love it and being doing it for so long I can now just look at something and know if it should go or not! Decluttering is often miss understood and pushed aside for a rainy day. Really when we declutter our belongings we are really setting ourselves free for life. Decluttering helps you minimise your stuff and work towards simply way of life. It’s that simple. Enjoy.


New growth this year is exactly what we have. Although I wrote this blog at the beginning of the year before my bout of unwellness, its been a delay to get it published! We all need growth in our lives or we become stale, stagnant and very moody. Just like our hair when we are growing it, things can take time. The bud eventually burst on the trees and and sprout come spring and a whole new out look is in front of us. Our own personal growth is different to each person. This year mainly 2019 is all about the self. Thats why we feel the need to shed what no longer serves us. Regardless. See the lessons and move forward. Make the time to read how new growth may help you? Enjoy.


Time is getting faster, even if you can’t feel it. Not because of how we age, but things are happening quicker. Hence the art of manifeston and karmic lessons are returning at a faster rate. For those who have done the inner work will find it easier to move forward. Those that are still thinking about the old ways that don’t work may want to look at what’s holding them back. Time is an illusion and it’s happening now. Stop waiting for the rainy day to get things going, start today. New doors and opportunities are flooding in and we need to grab them at once and take the action now.


What are your predictions for this year? Oops it’s a tad late. Well, since late last year I was getting it was going to be a year of the Goddess! Yay, let’s take care of our inner feminine. Then around New Year issues where coming ups around time. So take a read and see what changes you may have already started to feel, get or just happen to know.. Enjoy