Be grateful for what you have now, not what you haven’t got. When you stop chasing your desires, they come to you…just like the ocean.
‘Be the ocean - All the rivers will run towards you.’
This was the great quote spoken by Dr. Wayne Dyer in a video on line. It has stuck with me ever since.
It made sense.
Be the ocean and let everything come to you. That’s’ how life is meant to be, and it is. The new energy of 5D that arrived since late 2019 and anchored in 2020 is the perfect example of this.
Think it.
It’s there.
What ever you wish for.
Especially for the ones who have been doing the hard self work all these years and finally. It all fits and feels like we are literally thriving in the 5D energies.
Because it is a faster pace and we (including me) just get it.
That’s why life is easy in 5D as all the rivers of life run to you and fill your cup up, regardless of what you are doing. Even the most impossible things, come with ease… just like that.
Next time you are having trouble in your life, just remember to be the ocean and let all the rivers flow to you. Just like I have done over the years.
Now it’s time for the all the ‘misfits’ to be leading.
In 2020 and beyond…
Post written circa 28th April 2015, 3rd February 2020