Where in your life are you creative? Perhaps you have let that side of you slip down the wayside! Well, it’s time to reconnect with your creative side. Learn how your creative flare can help you in your healing journey and beyond. Maybe even turn into a money saver or a little business if you have that special gift that may be what you need to se you free. We all have a creative part to us and this is the year to make it shine. Get creative now as check out this post to why. Enjoy.


Do you hold back what you have learnt? If so take a read and see why it’s important to share what you have learnt. And its so easy to pass on the gold nuggets we have found in life, no matter how trivial it may seem. Holding back only leads to more struggles in the new way of now, so best to let others know what you have discovered! Those who know me, always find I’m giving to make everyone’s life a better way. So it’s vice versa or you need Mohave a think why! In the meantime. Enjoy.


How would you reacted if you wanted to meet someone you saw on the television from another country? Freaky hey? Well, that’s what I dreamed of, and the odds were pretty slim. Someone who has an impact on you can be remembered for life if it was a magical situation. Unplanned, just turn up on the correct day and viola, it all takes place. Even way back then I’d never knew such thing as coincidence! I just though of it and it happened..probably for a lot of things. The intent is what is needed in this new world. Enjoy.


Ascension work takes time and I’m so glad it’s now all paying off! Receiving the BLUE-RAY DNA workshop was the most subtle but most powerful of all. No joke. Hence doing many workshops that all have contributed to where I am today and so hard to explain in words. Some things in life need to be felt, not shared in words. That night certainly changed me. Check out my link to the night that changed me here for further reading. Enjoy.


Where would we be without Empaths? Certainly has it’s challenges and often feeling really unsettled until I was told I’m empath and super sensitive in crowds, restaurants and generally around people. Especially in times like now as the events of 2020 take it’s toll on the empaths! AND often it’s taken on board as their own emotions. Find out if you Are you Empath to see what we really can do to help those in need.



That day in history when I met this woman for the first time! What a history she had to share of how she got out of debt not once but twice! We often make mistakes until it too late, and by waiting for a hand out or some magical wind fall that may never come. Find out why it’s important to earn enough to help others! People first then things was often her motto in the money world. Get your self debt free ASAP and then help others where you can. It’s that vital now to start today. Where ever you are. Enjoy.


When I’m done, I’m done! Its serious stuff when I reach that point. Some people think I’m a easy target, gets what by the time I’m finished with them, they are one left to deal with Mr Karma! Truth is we should not need to get to this point as we are all in this together now. What you think, what I think is all creating a new world.Hopefully people wake up real soon and discover that most of us want the best for everyone. Anyhow we can only trigger see that the good people just simply..walk away. Eventually. Enjoy!


The poison arrows can be very painful when sent by jealous envious people! Sometimes they are by the people who care about you. Don’t be fooled by who you think it is. You maybe surprised! This post explains how a poison arrow happens and what you may expect, then tips on how to avoid them. Thankfully, mine did stop. The main thing is they can happen to anyone. Check it out and see for yourself. Enjoy.


STOP paying for services that no longer serve you is a life lesson many need right now. Even more so as since this post was first written there has been more services like Netflix and other streaming methods that suck up your money. This is even without considering the food/coffee addictions many have to deal with. But this is about looking at things close to home that is no longer applicable. Yes we have all had gym memberships and let them…we you know the story. Time to dig deep, take a read and enjoy.


Sadly, there are some vey unhappy people in this world. And the more work you do on your self the more energy/inner light attracts these so called moths! Until the nitpickers do the work on themselves, we need to holding our own boundaries FIRMLY. Where possible, remove yourself from the nitpickers, if not keep doing the inner work and things may magical shift on their own. Enjoy.


Change is a funny thing right and 2020 is certainly flipped from a year of sailing great to total uncertainty. So this is a time to really look at what is important and move towards those goals. Even if it means tackling those long over due jobs at home or sorting out your computer so you have only your vital documents there and easy to find. Being stuck in fear will only prolong the whole process fro everyone. Truth. Enjoy.


Stop following others is sound advice to know that we need to break away from the ‘norm’ and make wise decisions based what is right. Not what were were told is right. May it be the voting panel has a different feel to what you grew up with or what your next door neighbour is doing? The tip is to tune into your heart and make decisions that fit. It’s a tough path to take when you go against the mainstream, but we are all here to help people make that shift. Even if it means to step away and stop following others that don’t amplify our need/desires any longer. Enjoy.


Often we don’t realise our life is mapped out long before. Meaning that we may go to a strange place only to find it’s a town we move there years later. From the moment I arrived in Melbourne, I was actually setting the foundations to things to come. From a visit to Melbourne with my laptop lead me to an important part of my years later and the area is still holds a tender place in my heart. New time you head down a unknown road, take note as it may play a big role in your role later! Check out my post in how I know that our life is mapped out. Enjoy.


Who else loves the SMURFS! I certainly did as they were a very popular icon of the 80’s and kids of all ages simply love them. Well they always give important messages and this one in the blog is one that I felt is very important. As we are now in 5D energy, it’s all about selfless work. The SMURFS show that. Now the every action you do from now on will have an impact on many. Check out this post if you love to find out how the SMURFS had an impact on me through the films. Enjoy.


Who loved The Muppets as a kid in the 80’s? We certainly did as family back then when it hit the television scene around dinner time! Then the repeats over the years which we never bore of. But it’s the teachings that come with the show that stay with us. Just like this revamp of The Muppet movie that is a pure joy to watch because the children of the 80’s just get how all the characters performed. Stayed the same I guess. Check out why it is a great film to watch and learn from. Enjoy.


Easter is a time for families, although 2020 will be one year we have to think out side the box for sure. Well here I share little story of something that happened a long time ago. And fortunatey for me the craving vanished…INSTANTLY. So that’s why it’s important to work on your self as you never know when something suddenly stops. While I had a visitor in the night, check put my story for that. Enjoy the time what ever you do. Happy Easter.


What are you doing today to stay on track? 2020 is not a year to be sitting on the fence. Because what ever you do sets you up for the coming years. May it be start that course you had been dreaming about, buy an investment property or make changes in your daily life. Take action today. Many ar being pushed into doing what they had come here to do, especially my writing has taken priority this year, even if others think you are just bumming around. Life is not like that once you have been attuned to Reiki! Totally opposite! Check out this post to see why it’s important to stay on track. Enjoy.


The impact we have others is something many of us forget about, until one a stranger comes up and says something! Now we are in a time where things are happening instantly. It’s important that every person we come into contact with may it be in the shopping line queue, waiting for the train or just indoor neighbourhood people may be impacted by your moods. I'm totally aware that we all have our moments and that is understandable. In the mean time, check how this post had an impact in a magical way. Enjoy.


Be creative every day is a vital step this year, and not a year to be wasted in things that do not move your life forward. Cut the distractions and find that calling, whatever it is, be that food blogger you always wanted to be or join that art or cooking class you have boasted about…for far too long! Be creative helps you realise how important it is this year to channel your energy into being that creative soul you were born to be. Check out this post to learn why 2020 is the year magic happens. Enjoy.


How do you make decisions with ease? Perhaps you are not aware that your body is you best asset when it comes to those big or small lifechanging choices. It may have taken you many years to learn the difference through that bad head ache or sleeping through the alarm or just you feeling violently ill after a job interview (which did happen to me one day). They are all signs of your body communicating with you. Find out why its so vital to know the difference right now. Enjoy.