Whonever walked into a book shop and physically felt someone with you? I had this experience with Hannah Kent’s first book called ‘Burial Rites.’ Then to the unexpected I actually met her a few years later. While meeting authors who have presence come through them is pretty rare. The main part of the journey is how I came about this book and I share that in this blog. Check it out. Enjoy.


What a challenging year 2020 was? I’m sure most shifting or changed in some way. It was certainly a year not to sit on the fence. Although many continued to work unaffected by the way things were falling apart in other peoples world. While in the bigger picture, no one will ever get this much time off away from work to do exactly what then needed to do. May that be time alone, work on fitness, revalve what is important or most of all what job that really should be doing? It was a tough time and I certainly had my days too. Take a read and see if this resonates with you? Enjoy.


Going with the flow is something many people really haven’t mastered yet. Hopefully each day as more and more awaken that they come to an understanding that life really isn’t hard. Just getting in the zone can really make a difference. While other times, things can flow in areas that never did for example, like the time I moved in a middle of a pandemic. Trusting any process is the key to life. When things magically flow with no effect, that’s just where you need to be in that moment. Check out this post on going with the flow and find out if you are. Enjoy.


Be the ocean is the best way to let things come to you? The rivers don’t go upstream. This fraze has been spot on since we are now in 5D energy and things just come to us…magically with no effort. Life is not hard, especially when you have done the inner work on yourself! Find that space and go forth, we have no time to lose. Learn the quote from this blog and master it. It will make your life so much more enjoyable. In the mean time, check out what you need to do to be more in alignment with this so called thing named. LIFE. Enjoy.


When I’m done, I’m done! Its serious stuff when I reach that point. Some people think I’m a easy target, gets what by the time I’m finished with them, they are one left to deal with Mr Karma! Truth is we should not need to get to this point as we are all in this together now. What you think, what I think is all creating a new world.Hopefully people wake up real soon and discover that most of us want the best for everyone. Anyhow we can only trigger see that the good people just simply..walk away. Eventually. Enjoy!


Sadly, there are some vey unhappy people in this world. And the more work you do on your self the more energy/inner light attracts these so called moths! Until the nitpickers do the work on themselves, we need to holding our own boundaries FIRMLY. Where possible, remove yourself from the nitpickers, if not keep doing the inner work and things may magical shift on their own. Enjoy.


Stop following others is sound advice to know that we need to break away from the ‘norm’ and make wise decisions based what is right. Not what were were told is right. May it be the voting panel has a different feel to what you grew up with or what your next door neighbour is doing? The tip is to tune into your heart and make decisions that fit. It’s a tough path to take when you go against the mainstream, but we are all here to help people make that shift. Even if it means to step away and stop following others that don’t amplify our need/desires any longer. Enjoy.


Who loved The Muppets as a kid in the 80’s? We certainly did as family back then when it hit the television scene around dinner time! Then the repeats over the years which we never bore of. But it’s the teachings that come with the show that stay with us. Just like this revamp of The Muppet movie that is a pure joy to watch because the children of the 80’s just get how all the characters performed. Stayed the same I guess. Check out why it is a great film to watch and learn from. Enjoy.


What are you doing today to stay on track? 2020 is not a year to be sitting on the fence. Because what ever you do sets you up for the coming years. May it be start that course you had been dreaming about, buy an investment property or make changes in your daily life. Take action today. Many ar being pushed into doing what they had come here to do, especially my writing has taken priority this year, even if others think you are just bumming around. Life is not like that once you have been attuned to Reiki! Totally opposite! Check out this post to see why it’s important to stay on track. Enjoy.


Are you a lover of meditation? I’m certainly not a fan, but often told to meditate. The idea of sitting down for any length of time is not my ideal life. Yet I can read a book and find that more meditative instead. For some it comes easy. When really if everyone sat down and meditated, our problems would be solved. Only because we will clearly ‘see’ it and then there’s the knowing of why something is happening. Often meditations are a great way to see where you maybe stuck and then see your new answers. The art of meditation is like cleaning a dirty window when you need to keep going over it to get it really clean. Check out the post and enjoy.


Are you a little crazy when it comes to cleaning? Sometimes we can be called a little weird as we clean when we don’t need to or can only clean when no one is about. Just maybe you are like me and a bit of a neat freak (most of the time). In truth I can really only clean when I’m home alone and don’t know how I will go in the future with family? It might be different then.

Take a read and see if you fit the bill or know someone who does! Enjoy.


If you are on who gets into trouble for talking then check out this hilarious children’s film. A journey of a parrot who talks and follows the journey back to his original owner. Just imagine if you started to hear a bird talk normal to you. We all need to learn to do our work and move towards a rewarding job where you are able to shine in your work and be respected but your co-workers….and there is no time to waste now. Take the action to make those long over due changes. In the meantime check you local library for this DVD and enjoy the light hearted messages it has for the family. Enjoy!


It may be difficult to understand that time is not real. It’s the all masculine energy that dictates that we need to know even deal down to the time. Even when you don’t know, because when you are in the flow. Time does not exist! We arrive on time to events, we leave on time to travel and we always know when something is not right and trust when we must get out the door as fast as our legs carry us! Learning to let go of time and work with it on your life’s mission is the way to go…..take a read and see what changes you can do. Enjoy.


A story of a woman's love for the man who taught her everything about love. And in life we need to be detached from possessions and thought patterns that harbour our well-being. Learning to understand everything we have is inside of us. If you are spiritual and would love to read a profound book, this it the one. Take a read and find out how the power of love and be the only way. Enjoy.