All tagged PEOPLE


Sadly, there are some vey unhappy people in this world. And the more work you do on your self the more energy/inner light attracts these so called moths! Until the nitpickers do the work on themselves, we need to holding our own boundaries FIRMLY. Where possible, remove yourself from the nitpickers, if not keep doing the inner work and things may magical shift on their own. Enjoy.


People who only give you have the story can have an impact on your life. It happens a lot as we are rarely told the full story to many things, especially in the working world. Plus many other areas of our lives we can be told lots of untruths and situations that could be different of only we were told the full story in the first place. Same case if someone moves in to new abode and not informed that there’s a chance of a move further on, or renovations happening in the future. They ALL have an impact, regardless. Although I tell many people that I will always find the truth, even if it’s years later. It finds its way to me! Take a read and see if any of it hits a chord! Enjoy.


Have you ever wondered why some people are no longer needed in our life? Change is vital for growth. Once you being the path of healing, our friendship circles change too. In a good way. Learn to embrace the change as it can be hard at times. The best time to learn about people is when you are going through a difficult stage in your life and you don’t hear from the one who thought were your friends. Ironically many don’t like you to change because they not longer have control over you. Take a read and learn a few things. Enjoy.


People cross our path when we are needing messages to help us get to our destination on time. As life is a journey and needs to be experienced so we are better teachers. That’s why people messengers and they help us learn and spread the wisdom. Because when are in the flow of life and require to get somewhere unfamiliar then these messengers just suddenly appear, just like this day that didn't end well (Thankfully I never got that job!) Anyhow take a read and see how it all unfolded that day as people are truly your messengers. Enjoy.